Chart Click and Card Click

Chart Click Action:

Overview: The elements or data points of the chart are now clickable, and the action will lead to the route configured by you.


  1. Access Appearance and Actions:

    • Navigate to the "Appearance and Actions" section.

  2. Select Chart Click Action:

    • Choose "Chart Click Action".

  3. Configure Navigation:

    • Type of Navigation: Select whether the navigation is external or internal.

    • Route: Specify the route for navigation. Use variable values for URL parameters.


  • Bar Chart with Countries:

    • If you have created a bar chart with countries and the route is{{country}}, clicking on the bar of any country will take you to the Wikipedia page of that country.

Card Click Action:

Overview: Clicking on the title of the card will lead you to a redirect set up by you.


  1. Access Appearance and Actions:

    • Navigate to the "Appearance and Actions" section.

  2. Select Card Click Action:

    • Choose "Card Click Action".

  3. Configure Navigation:

    • Type of Navigation: Select whether the navigation is external or internal.

    • Route: Specify the route for navigation. Use variable values for URL parameters.


  • Card Title Click:

    • By setting up the route, clicking on the title of the card will lead you to the specified URL.

  1. Enter the route and the variable value for the parameter of the URL.

By following these steps, you can set up and utilize the chart click and card click actions to navigate users to the specified routes upon interaction with charts and card titles.

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