Complex Filter

Complex Filter Feature: Quick Instruction Manual

Accessing Complex Filter:

  1. Click on the filter (funnel) icon.

  2. Select "+ Add Filter".

  3. Choose "Complex Filter" from the list.

  4. A modal will appear to add the custom WHERE clause.

Using Complex Filter without Custom SQL:

  • You can write complex filters for any table that is part of the dimensions/measures.

  • Example columns in Dimensions/Measures: "public_table1"."country", "public_table2"."location", "public_table1"."population"

    • For the above below will be our generated SQL:

    • Example Complex Filter that you can write

Using Complex Filter with Custom SQL:

  • When writing a custom SQL query, the complex filter can only address columns of the table "dbn_sql_table".

    • Example Custom SQL that you write:

  • The SQL generated by us:

Example Complex Filter with Custom SQL:

  • Example Complex Filter that you can write:

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Complex Filter feature to add advanced filtering criteria to your data queries.

Last updated