💠Create a Metric

Metrics offer detailed insights and visualization of your data within a dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard and Initiate Metric Creation:

  • Select the dashboard where you intend to add the metric.

  • For the first metric, click the "Create Metric" button

  1. Metric Configuration:

  • Inside the metric creation page, select the desired table from the schemas of your added database.

  • "Drag and Drop" the columns you wish to set as dimensions and metrics.

  • Choose one of the following aggregation options for Measure: COUNT ROW, AVERAGE, SUM, COUNT, COUNT DISTINCT, MAX, MIN, or Original Value.

  • Choose your preferred visualization from the "Charts" Icon.

  • Enhance your metric by applying "Joins", "Group by", "Filters", and "Sort" other functionalities available in the icon list.

  • Customize your graph using the options available in the "Settings" icon.

  1. Finalize & Save:

  • Once satisfied with your chart, click "Save to Dashboard" on the top right.

  • Choose the "Dashboard" for your metric card placement.

  • Fill in the "Metric Name", "Metric ID", and provide a "Description".

  • Finally, click on "Save".

  1. Your metric is now successfully integrated into the chosen dashboard in DataBrain.

Last updated