🚀Product Changelog

September 02, 2024 Update

New Chart Versions and Enhancements

New Features:

  • Linear Gauge 2: Introducing Linear Gauge 2, an upgraded chart type offering enhanced optimization and customization capabilities. This new version allows for more detailed and flexible visualizations of linear data.

  • Gauge V2: Gauge V2 is now available, featuring improvements in customization and optimization. This new version provides a more dynamic and adjustable approach to displaying gauge data.


  • Multi-Select Filter Optimization: In multi-select dropdown lists, selected options will now appear at the top, making it easier to see and manage your choices.

August 19, 2024 Update

New Chart, UI Revamp, and Feature Enhancements

New Features:

  • Calculated Fields UI Revamp: Creating calculated fields is now easier and more intuitive with a revamped UI.

  • Network Chart: New visualization tool designed to display conversational and network-centric data.

  • Initiate Chat Mode with Database Tenancy: Chat mode extended to end users with database tenancy enabled.


  • Disable Signup Button for Self-Hosted Environments: The signup button can now be disabled in self-hosted setups.

August 8, 2024 Update

Enhanced Metric Management, SQL Query Enhancements, and UI Fixes

New Features:

  • Manage Metrics for End Users: Empower end users to personalize their dashboard views by selecting which metrics they wish to see.

  • Support for Comments in Dynamic Filters: Custom SQL queries now support comments.

UI Fixes:

  • Funnel Icon Color Adjustment: The funnel icon in switch select elements will now match the text color.

  • Theme-Consistent Reset Button: The reset button in Switch Select will adhere to the theme settings.

  • Tooltip and Header Font Consistency: Improvements in time-series graphs and radial charts.

July 30, 2024 Update

Expanded File Support, New Filtering Options, and Security Enhancements

New Features:

  • XLSX File Support for CSV Data Source: Upload XLSX files in addition to CSVs.

  • Restrict Metric Application on Dashboard Filters: Control the application of dashboard filters with the new restrict metric feature.

  • Delete Tables in Datamart: Ability to delete tables directly in DataMart.


  • Security Updates in Login/Logout Flow: Security enhancements in the login and logout processes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Sorting Issues in Table Charts: Resolved sorting issues in table charts.

  • Dashboard Filter Accuracy: Improvements to dashboard filters for more accurate results.

July 25, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Null Value Replacement in Table Charts: Option to replace null values with '-' in table charts.

  • Custom No-Data Image: Customize the image displayed when no data is available.

  • Title and Description Updates in Elements: Optional titles and text wrapping for descriptions.


  • Underlying Data Option for Single-Value: Fixed functionality to disable underlying data for single-value metrics.

  • Create Metric - Filter Panel Bugs: Resolved issues related to adding filters in the Create Metric process.

  • Dropdown Positioning in Metric Card: Corrected size and positioning of dropdowns and filters in time series charts.


  • User-Friendly Date Format: Updated date format in the date picker to DD/Mon/YYYY.

July 19, 2024 Update

New Chart Flexibility, Data Management Options, and Enhancements

New Features:

  • Switch Y-Axis in Charts: Gain more flexibility in chart presentations by switching the Y-axis measures.

  • Disable Data Sources: Option to disable data sources temporarily instead of deleting them.


  • End User Metric Creation: New actions integrated into the end-user metric creation process.

  • Chart Bugs: Resolved existing bugs in chart functionalities.

  • Filters and Sort Options: Added new filter and sorting capabilities.

  • Actions: Drill down and other actions integrated into the end-user metric creation process.

July 11, 2024 Update

Autofill Feature and Enhanced Embedding Properties

New Features:

  • Autofill for Data Marts: Quickly populate the setup of your Data Marts with AI-powered suggestions.

Embedding Enhancements:

  • Metric Card Shadow: Option to disable shadows on metric cards.

  • Underlying Data Visibility: Property to disable viewing of underlying data on metric cards.

  • Custom Color Theme: Adjust button, switch, and checkbox colors via theme properties.

  • Chart Tooltip Customization: New property to customize tooltip content in charts.

July 3, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Dashboard Associated Filter for Datamart Users: Set up filters that extend beyond primary tables to include related tables.

  • Import with Multiple Schemas: Enhanced import capabilities to allow targeting multiple schemas simultaneously.

  • S3 Multiple Folder Support: Tree-based folder setup for S3 storage.

Licensing Update:

  • License Key for Self-Hosted Users: Self-hosted users will now require a license key with an expiry date.

June 11, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Customizable Gaps in Dashboard Layout: Adjust the vertical or horizontal gaps between metric cards.

  • Table Chart Customization Options: New options for content font weight and header alignment in table charts.


  • Enhanced Helper Functions for Date Dimensions: Updated helper function options for date data types.

June 5, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • AI Summary on Sample Domain: New AI summary feature available at sample.usedatabrain.com.

Plug-In Component Updates:

  • Enhanced DBN-Dashboard and DBN-Metric Components: New properties for date picker customization and chart appearance customization.


  • Import Schema Changes: Ability to import and export dashboards from and to different schemas.

  • Dashboard and Metric Filters with Custom SQL: Write custom SQL for applying dashboard filters.

May 30, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Recaptcha for Secure Login: Enhanced login security with Recaptcha.

  • Raw SQL Capability: Write SQL for dynamic tables directly in the app.


  • Client Workspace Customization: Default client ID scoped at the workspace level.

  • Server-Side Pagination in Table Charts: New approach to server-side pagination for faster data loading.

May 21, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Import Feature: Import dashboards across different workspaces or from external accounts.

  • Export Feature: Export dashboards to other instances or accounts.


  • Chart Click Action in Drill Down Charts: Extended functionality of chart click actions to work with drill-down enabled charts.

May 10, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Formatting in Table Charts: New column formatting options for table charts.

  • Custom Prefix/Suffix in Table Charts: Add custom prefixes or suffixes to columns in table charts.

  • Sort Feature in Charts: Sort graphs directly from the dashboard.

  • Bar Width Adjustment in Horizontal Stack: Adjust bar width in horizontal stack tables.

  • Linear Gauge and Progress Charts: New chart types available.

  • Comparison Tags for Metrics: Setup comparison tags on metric cards.

  • Maximum, Minimum, and Average Line Markers: Enable line markers on charts.

  • Added New Metric Limit: Set a metric limit of up to 10,000 (10k).

  • Localized Date Formatting: Display dates in formats that align with regional preferences.

Dashboard Features:

  • Dashboard Elements: Organize your dashboard into sections using new elements.

Data Mart Feature:

  • Column Visibility Control in Datamart: Hide specific columns in Datamart from certain roles.

Roles and Permissions:

  • Custom Roles: Customize user access by defining specific permissions.

L1 Search Features:

  • Follow-Up in Chat Mode: Ask follow-up questions in chat mode to maintain context.

Other Features:

  • Custom Preview Domain: Use your own domain for preview links.

May 9, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Linear Gauge Chart: New chart type available in the metric creation page.

  • Dashboard Elements: Enhance dashboard organization by dividing it into various sections.

  • Comparison Tags for Metrics: Set up comparison tags on metric cards.

  • Maximum and Minimum Markers: Enable minimum and maximum markers on line charts.

  • Auto Default Value: Automatically assigns a default value to metric/dashboard filters.

April 30, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Custom Roles: Customize user access within your organization with custom roles.


  • Column Visibility Control in Datamart: Manage data privacy by hiding specific columns in Datamart from certain roles.

April 17, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • New Metric Limit Option: Option to set a limit of 10,000 (10k) when creating metrics.


  • Improved Load States for Metric Cards: Ability to multi-select options simultaneously on the dashboard.

  • Bar Width Adjustment in Horizontal Stack: Customize bar width in horizontal stack tables.

April 12, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Sort Feature in Charts: Enable sorting graphs directly from the dashboard.

  • Search Filter Expansion: Configure the Search Filter Variant to apply to multiple columns in a table.

  • Custom Prefix/Suffix in Table Charts: Add custom prefixes or suffixes to columns in table charts.


  • Dashboard Performance Enhancement: Faster loading of metrics on the dashboard.

April 8, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Custom Preview Domain: Use your own domain for preview links.

April 2, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Formatting in Table Charts: New column formatting options for table charts.

  • Localized Date Formatting: Display dates in localized date formats.

  • Follow-Up in Chat Mode: Ask follow-up questions in chat mode while maintaining context.

March 14, 2024 Update

Security Enhancement and New Features

New Features:

  • MFA Settings: Enable Email OTP for enhanced login security.

  • Chat Mode for Creating Metrics: Use AI to create metrics using natural language questions.

  • Databricks Connector: New datasource connector for Databricks.

  • Column Filters for Table Charts: Enhance data exploration with column filters for table charts.

March 1, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Custom Axis Limits: Set custom upper and lower limits for the Y axis in charts.

  • Expandable Lists in Tables: Expand option for lists exceeding 3 items in table cells.

  • Python Data Download: Support for downloading data from Python-based metric cards.


  • Minor UI Changes: Updates in fonts, styles, and interactions across the platform.

February 15, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Elasticsearch Integration: Connect and utilize Elasticsearch as a data source.

Bug Fixes:

  • Group Functionality in Charts: Fixed group feature in line, bar, and stack charts.

  • Sorting in Time Series: Addressed sorting issues in time series charts.

  • Chart Label Display: Fixed chart labels to correctly display intended text.

February 6, 2024 Update

Home Page Overhaul and Chat Feature

New Features:

  • Create Metric/Dashboard from Home Page: Quickly create metrics and dashboards from the home page.

  • Enhanced Search Functionality: Easily search for metrics and dashboards.

  • Organized Workspace Tabs: Dashboards and metrics organized under two tabs.

  • New Workspace Creation: Start a new workspace directly from the homepage.

  • Chat Feature Enabled: Introduced a Chat feature for instant queries and support.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issues with 100% stack and cumulative chart functionalities in time series - bar chart.

January 24, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Custom Header Color for Table Charts: Customize header colors in Pivot, Pivot V2, and Table charts.

  • Rule-Based Color Scheme for Gauge Chart: Apply a rule-based color scheme to gauge charts.

  • Range Settings for Combo Chart Axes: Fine-tune the range settings for all axes in combo charts.

  • World Map Chart Feature: Visualize global data with the new world map chart.

  • Delete Custom SQL Column: Easily delete custom columns added via the "+SQL" feature.

  • UI for Adding a Calculated Measure: Create new measures or calculated fields with enhanced UI.

January 12, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Elasticsearch Integration: Connect and utilize Elasticsearch as a data source.

Bug Fixes:

  • Group Functionality in Charts: Fixed group feature in line, bar, and stack charts.

  • Sorting in Time Series: Addressed sorting issues in time series charts.

  • Chart Label Display: Fixed chart labels to correctly display intended text.

January 3, 2024 Update

New Features:

  • Helper Functions in SQL Mode: Use helper functions in custom SQL mode.

  • Results Without Dimensions and Measures in SQL Mode: Display outcomes of custom SQL queries without specifying dimensions and measures.

  • Range Labels for Y Axis in Charts: Add textual labels to the Y axis of charts.

  • 100% Stack Bar Option in Time Series: New option for 100% stack bar in time series charts.

  • Chart Customization in Global Theme: Customize charts and save themes for automatic application.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issues with Gauge chart and Time series.

  • Resolved drill down issues for certain charts.

December 22, 2023 Update

New Features:

  • Import Feature for Metric Data: Import data from any metric in the dashboard onto the create metric page.

  • Filter Variant Options: New filter variant options in Dashboard/Metric filters.

  • Copy Invitation Link for Pending Users: Copy and send invitation links to pending users.

December 15, 2023 Update

New Features:

  • Geo Chart: Introduce new geo charts for US demographic visualization.

  • X Mark in Dropdown for Metric/Dashboard Filter: Added 'X' mark in dropdown menus for easy deselection.

  • Enhanced Metric Dropdown: Create new metrics directly from the "Create Metric" page.

  • Custom Query Alias Editing: Ability to alter column aliases directly from the UI when creating custom queries.

November 23, 2023 Update

New Features:

  • Updated Layout in Create Metric Page: Adjusted layout for improved navigation and efficiency.

  • Enhanced Dashboard Filtering: Simplified process to add filters to dashboards.

  • Support for Secrets in Python Editor: Added support for "secrets" in the Python editor.

  • Cache Support for Python-based Metrics: Introduced caching support for Python-based metrics.

Last updated