Chart Appearance

Personalize your metric charts with an array of appearance settings for clarity and visual appeal.

  1. Access Chart Appearance:

  • Go to your metric card, click the “Appearance & Actions” icon, and select the “Appearance” tab.

  1. Horizontal Axis Customizations:

  • Toggles: Axis Line, Splitlines, Axis Labels, Truncate Label.

  • Set Values: Label Rotation, Custom Rotation, Truncate Label Value, Distance between name and labels.

  • Adjust: Font properties and color.

  1. Vertical Axis Customizations:

  • Toggles: Axis Line, Splitlines, Axis Labels.

  • Set Values: Distance between name and labels.

  • Adjust: Axis Position and font properties.

  1. Chart Legend:

    Customize: Display, appearance, position, truncation, and shape.

  1. Chart Margin:

    Define margins for all four sides of the chart.

  1. Chart Label:

    Position: Determine where value labels appear on the chart.

  1. Chart Tooltip

    Adjust: Font and color for Header, Label, and Value.

  1. Chart Colors:

    Modify: Chart colors, gradients, and background gradients.

  1. Chart Title & Description:

    Add: Titles and descriptions, and adjust their positions.

  1. Formatting:

    Set: Number formatting, and add prefixes or suffixes to value labels.

  1. Other Customizations:

Options under this category vary based on the chosen chart type. Common functionalities include:

  • Enabling dynamic behavior, chart zoom, and hiding null/0 values.

  • Specific chart types offer unique customizations, like group-by settings for time series or color adjustments for bar charts.

Note: Options may vary based on the "Chart Type" chosen. The features listed above are commonly found across various chart types. For detailed information on specific appearances, consult the respective chart type documentation here.

Last updated