Metric Filter - Custom

Create a Custom Dashboard/Metric Filter: Quick Instruction Manual

  1. Create Metric Filter:

    • Begin by creating a new metric filter within your dashboard.

  2. Write Your Custom SQL Query:

    • Create a SQL query to retrieve the data you need for options in drop down. For example:

  3. Mention the Alias in the Option:

    • In your filter options, refer to the alias countryname that you used in your SQL query.

    1. Navigate to "Apply On" Section:

      • Go to the "Apply On" section of the dashboard filter settings.

    2. Assign Variable Name:

      • Assign a variable name, for example, {{value}}.

      • Copy the variable {{value}} for use in your custom SQL query.

Example Custom SQL Query with Variable Filter

  1. Write Your Custom SQL:

    • Start by writing a basic SQL query without the filter.

  2. Integrate the Variable Filter:

    • Modify your SQL to include the variable filter.

    1. Resulting SQL Generated:

      • The resulting SQL generated by the system will incorporate your variable filter in the final output.

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