🧑Configure Organizations

After setting up a datasource, the next step is to configure the organization details to tailor the analytics experience for your clients.

  1. Initial Setup:

  • Determine your organization's "Tenancy Level". Options include tables or databases.

  • Select the appropriate tenancy for your customer information, ensuring a personalized analytics experience for them.

    • Table: Choose it when your client data is stored in the form of column with ids in a table

    • Database: Choose it when your client data is stored at database level i.e. each client has its own database

  1. Select Client Data Source:

  • Find and select the "Table" on the right that houses your client, organization, or customer data.

  • Utilize the search function if necessary. Clicking a table will display its columns.

  1. Determine Primary Key:

Choose the "Primary Key" column for the selected table. (This could be labeled as id, user_id, org_id, etc.)

  1. Identify Client Name and finalize configuration:

Select the column indicating the "Customer Name". (This could be labeled as name, client_name, org_name, company_name, etc.)

After designating both the primary key and customer name columns, press the "Complete" button. This action finalizes the customer configuration of your company.

With these steps, you've successfully added customer organizations of your company to DataBrain.

Last updated